That is only one of my memories associated with that song.
Flash to early January 1994, we are going to another outstanding party at Niels H's house. It was my first party there and it did not disappoint. I had finally figured out french kissing and boy did I put in a lot of practice with my new (first!) boyfriend during that party. Maybe I was naive or possibly weird, but the first couple times I'd been french kissed I honestly thought it was kind of slimy and gross. Don't worry, I quickly changed my mind about the experience! It was a rocking house party with good friends and plenty of alcohol. There may have even been an embarrassing knocking over and breaking of a sekt glass. Maybe. At some point I noticed that I was the only girl left at the party. This became a common thing after I started dated Bastian and subsequently, my German began to resemble that of a 16 year old boy with a lot of inappropriate jokes and way too much slang. I wonder if I still sound that way speaking German? The party continued into the wee hours, in fact, I spent the night. Aside from the aforementioned kissing, it was an innocent overnight.
How does Cryin' fit into the evening? I remember being just delighted that after talking to Uli G about music, he offered to loan me his Aerosmith Get a Grip CD. It must be noted that Uli was later crowned the Cutest Boy in the Class in the class superlatives and furthermore, someone the prior Turlock iteration of myself would have been way too shy and embarrassed to even approach, let alone talk to and borrow a CD. Let's just say it was a big deal for my self esteem and nothing to cry about!