Not long after this, I meet Olivia (a friend of Lila's from preschool) and by extension, I meet Olivia's parents. I immediately liked both of them. They are this amazing blend of smart, chill, creative, kind, and downright cool. It's rare to find a complete couple that can be your friend individually. I feel just as comfortable talking to Robert as I do to Lauren. I wanted so very much to be their friend! At some point, dying to impress her I think, we were talking about music and the Black Keys came up (or maybe they were playing?) and I asked Lauren if I knew Little Black Submarines. Remember how I had decided the knowledge of this song means I must have excellent taste in music? She had heard the song and agreed it's a good one. Come to find out Lauren actually prefers the earlier stuff and knew more about the band's music than I do!
What really ties Jessica and Lauren together are a couple things. Not only have I become their friends, but my little family has been completely embraced by their families. We are invited to family events and I also very much enjoy visiting with their parents. They are my kind of people! However the best end cap to this story is that last week I went to see the Black Keys with Jessica, Lauren, and Robert and we all had a fantastic time. And yes.... we sang along to Little Black Submarines.