After 18 years, Tammy Q. still says and does things that surprise me. You would think that at some point I would realize that and stop saying, "that is so surprising to me that Tammy would do/say such a thing" and instead start thinking, "oh that is SO Tammy, such a Tammy thing". I like being surprised by Tammy and I think that is just one of the many fun things about her! Comfort Eagle is Tammy's song.
Vince J., Tammy, and I all really love the band Cake. (CAKE?). They are a somewhat local band from Sacramento that is very down to earth. They get real and sing about politics, the environment, and pop culture. They are also very entertaining in concert and I have seen them twice. Once was at the Oakland Art & Soul Festival and it doesn't get more legit than Oakland! Comfort Eagle has this great driving beat, pun intended, but I was still surprised when Tammy said she got her one and only speeding ticket driving down the road, listening to Comfort Eagle. (So Tammy!) I love this so much. It's not great that she got a speeding ticket, those things are crazy expensive, but I love that she was A. Speeding and B. to CAKE. She was probably late to something because she was stuck in Silivon Valley traffic or maybe she had just been freed of it and was driving fast from the relief and joy to be out of it. I like to imagine when she got pulled over, she said to the officer: "DUDE! You need to widen the corridors and add more lanes!"
I recorded a bit of this song at the concert so I could send it to Tammy. I think of her every time I hear it in the car and I instinctively allow the speedometer to tick upwards....but not too much. That would be just so Tammy and I remember the tale of the ticket.
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