Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Wonderwall by Oasis

It was the first week of college or maybe it was even the week before classes officially started.  I had walked down to the campus computer store to pick out my computer.  This was in the early days of the internet, pre-online shopping.  I think it was actually the student store. I bought a Mac, or were they still called Apple Computers in 1995?  I bought it, the whole kit and caboodle, and then hopped in a cab to transport several thousand dollars worth of equipment back to my dorm.  What I did not account for was getting the heavy boxes out of the cab and into the dorm.  I wasn't naive enough to think I could leave them in the cab as I ran them back and forth to the dorm.  I was starting to panic, when I saw two people pushing a cart up the street towards my dorm.  The cart was loaded down with the exact same computer I had just purchased!  This person had put some thought into this computer purchase. She graciously helped me transfer my boxes onto her cart and into my dorm room.  That's the story of my meet cute with Pam. 

Pam and I became really close friends for many, many years.  She was (and I'm sure still is) one of the most independent, driven, fiercely motivated people I have ever met.  She became an ambulance medic while going to Cal.  I cannot remember her major, but I want to say it was something in the sciences.  I remember taking an elective or two with her, most notably Music Appreciation.  She was in the Orchestra at Cal and I was in the Cal Band.  We had a ton in common and always had enormous amounts of fun together, complete with so much laughter.  She was in love with the Oasis hit Wonderwall.  I remember walking arm and arm up Bancroft, singing and harmonizing at the top of our lungs, likely embarrassing anyone who knew us.  It was our song and I always think about her when I hear it. 

After graduating from Cal in 4 years, she then got a job with the Oakland Fire Department and became a Paramedic.  We lost touch, but I do know she later moved to SoCal to attend med school and is now an ER Doctor.  I cannot imagine her working in any other capacity.  The song says it better than I ever could and I think anyone she treats should sing it to her: 

Because maybe, you're gonna be the one that saves me
And after all, you're my wonderwall

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