What are you doing, eating, drinking, wearing? I'm not being nosy, but Gavin is. The thing about Gavin is that he is genuinely interested in the answers to those questions and he will always share his own situation in response. I first met Gavin over 3 years ago when I was in Carmel, Indiana training his company on our software. I only spoke to him for a few minutes, but he left an immediate impression on me. He had completely embraced the product and enforced adoption with his vendors and users. I was so excited about him and his enthusiasm that I told my Marketing team that he would be an excellent candidate to record a testimonial. When he told me years later that he once ran for office in his town, I wasn't at all surprised. I was however surprised that he didn't win the election.

Several years later, Gavin took a more active role with my product and before I knew it, he had found me on LinkedIn, Facebook, and someone even found my cell phone number. Again, I know you are thinking this guy is super nosy and possibly a little creepy, but I assure you he isn't! A couple years ago I texted him Merry Christmas. He responded with a picture of his family in their matching Christmas jammies. I responded with a picture of me and the kids wearing the EXACT SAME JAMMIES. They are from Target, so this isn't totally farfetched, but to quote a movie that I haven't actually seen, but somehow still know this: "Did we just become best friends?!"
If friendship were a superpower, Gavin would be known as SuperFriend. He truly cares about his friends and he has quite literally become one of my very best friends, which is funny because I haven't seen Gavin in person in over three years. He has been doing video messages and FaceTime calls before those things became mainstream. He checks in on me regularly and sends me funny memes or tags me in funny posts. One day he happened to check in on me when I was especially down in the dumps about something. Or someone. It was probably a guy. I am always in the dumps about some guy. Gavin sent me a link to a song and told me to cheer up. The song was This Is Me and it did cheer me up. Thanks Buddy!
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