Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Like I Love You by Justin Timberlake

When Justin Timberlake first came out with his solo album it didn't make much of an impression on me.  N'Sync was next-generation boy band and I didn't listen to them much at all.  I would see pictures of Justin and Britney and think that the curly hair and matching denim outfits were totally dorky.  I didn't even care for his solo music much.

Flash forward a year to Monterey, CA.  I think it was the very first week of school and a bunch of my classmates decided to go to Doc Rickett's for $1 beers and dancing.  I know I have referenced the crazy Danes before, and this night was no exception.  I remember walking in to the place and finding my friends.  There were Kent H., Nis H., Morten J., Peter D., who I am missing?  They each had ordered $20 worth of beers (that's 20 beers at $1 each and I cannot believe that they were allowed to buy so many at one time!) and the table was just covered with beers.  It was hilarious and I happily accepted their offer of a beer or 3 and later contributed to the table.  There were many, many others there that night... I remember Holly S, Mark F, Stacy H, Nina L, it seemed just about everyone was there.  Doc Rickett's had this reputation for being pretty divey, a total meat market, and full of jar/jug/whatever you call em heads.  Monterey is home to both the Naval Postgraduate School and the Army's Defense Language Institute.  I suppose that if I was at Doc Rickett's as a single gal, going out dancing with my girlfriends, it might've had a yucky vibe, but I was with 30 of my newest, most favorite people and we were having a blast.

There was a big projection screen on the wall playing music videos and Like I Love You by Justin Timberlake came on.  I recognized the song, but as I said, I'd never really been a fan.  I was dancing, totally getting into the 3-4 beers in-I love this song!-mode.  I was watching the video and .... Justin Timberlake is HOT.  H-O-T-T Hot!  The video was seductive and risque and, it bears mentioning again, hot!  The music was clever.  Catchy.  I became an insta-fan!  I remember telling Holly that I had no idea that Justin Timberlake was so hot!  I was really really excited about this realization!  When I got home I downloaded both the video and the mp3.  10 years later, I tried to get tickets to his 20/20 tour...and it was sold out.  Apparently I am not the only one to realize all the awesome that is JT. 

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