The two years I spent as a student at MIIS were a wonderful time in my life, but my most favorite memories come from the very first semester. Due to the nature of the MBA program and the Institute itself, I feel like our class created a special bond. The students in the 2-year program were scheduled to take the core classes during our first semester and since we were such a small class, we all had the exact same schedule that first semester. This means that we spent a lot of time together - we ate lunch together and often dinner, we studied together....and since we all really liked each other, we hung out together most of the time, too. It was also the semester of the Danes. There was a large group of students from Denmark who were all super friendly and generally just a blast to be around. In fact, I felt like the dynamic of our class changed when they went back to Denmark at the end of the semester.
For two years, I could always count on something fun to do. Nick and I would usually decide who was driving to whom each weekend, based on the better party! Today, we're going back to a party at Stacy H's. It was a house party and I don't think it was for any particular occasion. It was just new friends, hanging out, drinking, talking, and laughing. At one point in the evening, a little impromptu dance party burst out. One of the songs that came on was Lithium, an oldie but goodie. This is a song that gets everyone on the dance floor, including Nick. I remember Gabe R. out there dancing, and maybe Mark F, too, but what I most remember is Nis H. During the chorus, Nis would bust out this perfect air guitar. I just loved watching him rock out, playing tribute to this truly epic song. I wish I could do it justice, but sadly, all I have is my memory! Yeah Yeah Yeah!
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