It was December 1999 and I was very excited to be going to my first ever company holiday party. It was being held at Scott's Seafood on Jack London Square so I made plans to take BART with my co-worker Todd L so we could change at his house and drive to the party together. Todd was super nice and we spent a lot of time walking around San Francisco together "working" because we both agreed that outside sales for Allegiance Telecom was about the worst job of all time. For about the first 9 months, I was a terrible salesperson. I never came close to meeting my quota and in fact, I have no idea how I stayed employed for as long as I did! I eventually hit my groove for a couple months, but in December, I was about 4 months into it and absolutely awful! I was however very social and observant and funny. I kept a diary of the funny comments people made during meetings or in the break room or around the water cooler. The RVP got wind of this and asked me if I might like to give a little talk at the party. WOULD I EVER?!?!
I remember feeling pretty cute in a slim fitting black skirt with a slit and a red, form fitting top with a very in, very flattering neckline. All 3 offices in the Bay Area were at the party, San Francisco (where I worked), Oakland, and San Jose. I was a little nervous, but I quickly got into the groove and I killed it. There was much laughter. I closed the speech with something I had worked out with the DJ. And now....with no further ado.... (queue the DJ)... Who Let the Dogs Out!! Several people jumped up and the dance portion of the evening began. Being December 1999, there was no way the evening could go by without dancing to Mambo No. 5, especially considering the line "a little bit of Rita" which we loved singing loudly because of our very own Rita J.
This pictures perfectly showcases my signature dance move. |
I'd like to say that evening was the turning point in my career....but it wasn't until April when I finally made my quota and really started making the big bucks....for a couple of months at lease.
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