Zoom in on Mitch's awesome beach apartment in Pacifica. The date is 12/31/1999. We were approaching the digital apocalypse (which turned out to be highly exaggerated)!! New Years 2000 is one of those dates that everyone remembers. Where were you for New Years 1992? No idea. 2000? Like I said, we're going to Pacifica.
Jenny T. had just returned from a semester abroad in Sweden. We were having a get together on the beach to welcome her back. While on the beach, I met the adorably acerbic Dominic E. The Irish accent was irresistable and the way he could match each of my flirtatious witty comments with one of his own - let's just say I was smitten! I suggested a stay-in, homemade enchiladas, and hot tub New Years celebration at Mitch's apartment and of course, I made sure Dominic would be there, too. I was working at my first "real" job and let's just say I was nowhere near my monthly quota, so I was stuck pretending to close sales until late in the afternoon. Then it was off to Pacifica where I met Mitch, Jenny, Dominic, Karen, and Ana!

It was an epic evening! Jenny had brought back the latest in Swedish top 40 hits and we played the CD over and over and over. We made delicious enchiladas, drank copious amounts of beer, laughed, sang, and danced. We danced and danced and danced. Sexy Sexy Lover is catchy and cheesy and just delightful! We rang in the New Year in the hot tub. There was champagne and poppers and we adorned ourselves with the confetti and streamers. We returned to the apartment to continue dancing into the wee hours. At one point, it has been said, that I took a shower with a mop. Apparently Jenny stored it there after cleaning the bathroom. In her defense, Mitch had been living the bachelor lifestyle while she was gone so she might have had 6 months worth of cleaning to do!
The party continued. The next day started with brunch, more champagne, classic Nintendo tournaments, puppet shows, hat modeling, and of course music. More of the Sexy Sexy! There's no other! I can't remember when the party ended, but eventually we all had to go back to work and Dominic returned to Ireland.
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